Coffea arabica

Winning Bid: $7.00

Coffea arabica Coffee, Arabica Coffee Economically important flowering shrub to ‘. Foliage to 6″ long, glossy dark green, slightly corrugated; Flowers white, slightly fragrant, attractive to bees; fruit an iconic dark red drupe with 2 seeds (“beans”). Seeds, when dried, fermented and roasted, provide the beverage the world wakes up to (second most traded commodity […]

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Free local pickup or shipping available. Shipping and handling is a flat rate of $14.95 for the first item and $1.50 for each additional item shipped in the same order.

Item condition: New

Sold By: Flamingo Gardens


Coffea arabica
Coffee, Arabica Coffee

Economically important flowering shrub to ‘. Foliage to 6″ long, glossy dark green, slightly corrugated; Flowers white, slightly fragrant, attractive to bees; fruit an iconic dark red drupe with 2 seeds (“beans”).
Seeds, when dried, fermented and roasted, provide the beverage the world wakes up to (second most traded commodity after oil).

qTY: 100 wEIGHT: 1.6 OZ

Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: George

Date Bid User Auto
January 6, 2025 1:30 pm$7.00George
January 6, 2025 12:00 pmAuction started